LM Confidential Issue August 2014
P. 1
L.ittle M.anila Confidential
If Filipinos
leave Libya, hospitals collapse
Britney had a Blast
LEFT, Britney Waito celebrates her 12th birthday with family and friends.
Santacruzan Belles
BELOW, Sisters Princess and Angeline Guzman, daughters of Drs. Solon and Josephine Guzman join the Santacruzan.
Beauties and the Best
BELOW, Lakambini ng Turismo beauties Alison Garcia, Keesha Cerezo and Krista Bella played at the at Leo’s Caregivers Sportsfest.
One hospital closed after Filipinos’ walkout to protest gangrape of a nurse
who account for another 20 percent.
Libyan hospitals, meanwhile, are flooded with a wave of admissions, victims of the fighting that has shaken the capital and
The health ministry said said 77 people
have been killed and 289 wounded in Benghazi’s violence.
The Philippines already urged its citizens in Libya to leave on July 20 after a kidnapped Filipino worker was found
Of the estimated 13,000 Filipinos
in Libya, only around 700 heeded the warning and left. The rest refused to abandon their jobs despite the dangers. But Manila said it would charter
PHL DOCS IN LIBYA continued on page 22
Shortage of TFW increases Price of Canadian Meat
Exports helpful only with enough workers
Beauties & a Baby
4 Sis and their Baby Bro
Sam Milby
was here
ABOVE Sam Milby gives a novel twist to the selfie by taking a picture
of himself with Mississauga’s jampacked Celebration Square in the background.
TRIPOLI, LIBYA - Libya has warned of a “total collapse” of its health care system as the chaos plaguing the country threatens to send into flight many of the Filipino staff on whom its hospitals depend.
Romance can
Fighting between rival militias in Tripoli and bloody clashes between Islamists and army special forces in the eastern city of Benghazi have prompted several countries to evacuate their citizens and diplomatic staff.
Now, 3,000 health workers from the Philippines, making up 60 percent of Libya’s hospital staff, could leave—along with workers from India,
Scarborough. He poses with his 4 sisters Ampee, Nadeene, Maria and Aubrey. (TFWP) which will almost certainly choke AUGUST 2014 L. M. Confidential
Joshua Panaligan gets baptized by Father Albert Macalipay at St. Therese Parish in of the Temporary Foreign Workers Program
TFW AFFECT BEEF PRICE continued on page 23
TORONTO - In June the government tabled the text of the Free Trade Agreement with South Korea in the House of Commons and our energetic Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced China has begun the process of accepting bone-in under-30-month beef and live cattle from Canada.
In the same month the ministers responsible for employment, citizenship and immigration, Jason Kenney and Chris Alexander unveiled their dismemberment
off any hope of expanding production at Canadian meat plants.
Trade deals are helpful to the meat industry only when companies have employees to slaughter cattle and hogs, says a Maple Leaf Foods spokes-person.
“You can only take advantage if you can competitively produce a product in Canada,” said Rory McAlpine, vice-president of government relations at Maple Leaf.

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