Page 17 - LM Confidential Issue February 2015
P. 17
Lawmaker fears coverup
PCCF Miss Philippines Can- ada 2014 in Lal-lo, Cagayan
MANILA, Philippines—A militant solon has expressed doubts about the govern- ment-led investigation into the bloody clash in Mamasapano, Maguindanao, that resulted in the death of 44 members of the Philippine National Police Special Action Forces (PNP-SAF).
In a statement, Bayan Muna Repre- sentative Neri Colmenares said the probe by a PNP board of inquiry would not be objective.
“The PNP Board of Inquiry, composed of PNP Generals, is not expected to objectively investigate the killing of the 44 SAF personnel considering that they will investigate not just the involvement of US forces but also Pres. Benigno Aquino III and PNP Chief Alan Purisima who are their superiors,” Colmeranes said.
He added, “President Aquino has practi- cally pre-empted the Board of Inquiry during his televised speech by washing his hands of any responsibility and blam-
fears that the investigation will be white- washed to favor President Aquino and General Purisima, while putting the blame on the SAF forces themselves.”
Also, “the Commission must have the independence and the courage to summon members of the US forces in the Philip- pines and investigate their involvement,” the House Deputy Minority Leader added.
He urged other PNP officials to come out and reveal what they know about the operation dubbed as “Operation Wolver- ine.”
“Members of the PNP and other secu- rity forces who know what really happened in Mamasapano and in the preparations leading to the operation should come forward and tell the truth about those accountable for the botched operations. Otherwise, the case could be whitewashed with the blame mainly pinned on the hap- less SAF,” Colmenares added.
ing the SAF forces for failing to coordinate with other units until it was too late. There is no way that the Board will find President Aquino accountable for the botched operation after that speech.”
The lawmaker added that he favored the formation of an inde- pendent commission composed of “credible” persons such as former Chief Justice Renato Puno to lead the probe.
An independent probe, the lawmaker said, could “assuage
Tree Planting
By Fe P. Taduran
Members of the Philippine National Police Special Action Force mourn the police commandos who were killed in what authorities said was an accidental clash with a Muslim rebel group, Thursday, Jan. 29, 2015 at Villamor Air Base in Pasay, Philippines. AP
Krisgelle Maramot, Miss Philippines Canada 2014 of the Philippine Canadian Charitable Foundation, did her share to address the problem on environment, cli- mate change, hunger and malnutrition for Lal-lloqueños in the province of Cagayan, when she visited the Philippines, as part of her prizes.
In the Philippines, studies show that only less than a quarter remains of its old- growth forests. Deforestation has taken its toll and Filipinos are faced with the tall order of saving whatever is left of the forests and reviving the existing depleted terrestrial and coastal ecosystems.
With this is mind, Krisgelle Maramot, made tree planting as an important part
of her trip. Krisgelle planted a Lubeg tree in Lal-lo, Cagayan, to help build a future, a future filled with greenery and hope for
a healthier community. ‘Lubeg’ or Philip- pine Cherry is a fruit that grows only on the western side of the Philippine island of Luzon and is abundant in the municipality
of Lal-lo. The Lubeg fruit is used in mak- ing wine, candies, jam and other prod- ucts which is now one of the booming livelihoods of the organized women’s group in the area. The tree was already adopted as the of- ficial municipal tree and its by-products registered as the Lal- lo official One Town
One Product (OTOP) Program products, in which portion of the income is donated for the projects of the municipal nutrition committee. Lal-loquenos were very proud and appreciative of Krisgelle’s accomplish- ments as Miss Philippines Canada and her efforts for their town.
PCCF is now gearing up for the Pinoy Fiesta & Trade Show sa Toronto to be held at the Metro-Toronto Convention Centre on June 27, 2015. Those interested are invited to to register as candidates for the PCCF Pageants and have the same ex- perience as Krisgelle, as either Miss Phil- ippines Canada, Little Miss Philippines Canada and Mrs Philippines Canada, or as Trade Show vendors. Please visit the web- site www.philippinecanadianfoundation. com or for more information or inquiries, e-mail and /or
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FEBRUARY 2015 L. M. Confidential