Page 27 - LM Confidential Issue December 2014
P. 27
Joey Baking’s ( Filipino Good Life
Filipino Centre Toronto
Honours FilCan Outstanding
Students 2014
For over a decade now, the Filipino Centre Toronto ( FCT) has been recognizing and honouring outstanding student graduates from Catholic and public elementary & secondary schools in the Greater Toronto Area. The project, known as “Outstanding Student Awards” ( OSA ), which started in November 2004, was created to identify, select and honour top-performing academic students of Filipino heritage every school year.
This year, 2014, FCT awarded two elementary and 3 high school FilCan graduates at a fitting ceremony held on November 23, 2014 ( Sunday) at the Centre’s Rizal Hall in Toronto. The keynote speaker was Garry Tanuan, Ward 8 Trustee of the Toronto Catholic School District Board( TCDSB). Tanuan’s message was read by Tony A. San Juan, a Toronto educator . The newly- reelected Trustee urged the awardees “to continue and accept the challenge to excel” in all their endeavours and “to contribute something back to the community”.
Mary Ann San Juan, OSA chair, introduced the five honourees citing their individual academic achievements and personal accomplishments in their respective schools.
The student honourees , posited with a question, convincingly shared their thoughts and plans how they can assist in the Centre’s ongoing community projects and initiatives.
Candidates to the yearly awards are required to submit applications meeting the following selection criteria: 1) Academic Performance with a minimum of 85 % or equivalent, general average marks in the last 2 school years ( 50%); 2) Community Involvement and Co- curricular Activities ( 25%); and 3) Panel Interview Weighted Results( 25%).
FCT President Rosalinda Cerrudo-Javier, after a brief backgrounder and words of encouragement, proudly announced and congratulated the winners. Those who received “Plaques of Recognition” and cash gifts were: Daniel Marco Morales of All Saints Catholic High School, who was chosen as “Outstanding High School Graduate”, with Runners-up John Frederick Cabanela of East York Collegiate Institute and Frances Marie Iway of Loreto Abbey Catholic Secondary School. The 2 elementary school graduates, Krista Elisha Chavez of St. Raymond Catholic School and Casidy Nicole Ravago of St. Martin Catholic School were adjudged tied in First Place in the grade school finishers.
From 2004 to 2013, the original members of the Outstanding Student Awards Committee, were: Aida D’Orazio( chair) Rosalinda Cerrudo-Javier( co-chair), Jody Huang, Tony A. San Juan, Luchie Sevilla and Herman Viloria. Currently, the OSA committee is composed of : Mary Ann San Juan ( chair), Wendy Arena, Jody Huang, Rosalinda Javier, Aida D’Orazio, Tony A. San Juan and Efren de Villa.
Amongst the award presenters were Atty. Ramon Andal, Divina Paguirigan and Segundito & Precy Tumulak. As usual, FCT officers and directors were present to lend a hand, namely: Wendy & Paul Arena, Ed & Evelyn Birondo, Frank Cruzet, Baby de Villa, Lino Javier, Mercy Maliglig and Luna Vince. FCT Board Member Tess Lumanlan served as the program emcee. The ceremony ended with the honourees together with parents, relatives, friends and other guests formally posed for posterity and recuerdo ( T.San Juan)
By: Tony A. San Juan, OCT
TOP, Atty. Ramon Andal gives the awards. ABOVE, The honoreesDaniel Marco Morales, Krista Elisha Chavez, Cassidy Nicole ravago, Frances Marie Iway and John Frederick Cabanela pose for apicture. ABOVE RIGHT, Mr. Tony San Juan reads a speech on behalf of Trustee gary Tanuan.
FROM LEFT, FCT Vice-Chair Efren de Villa gives the invocation, Trustee Marlene Mogado gives an inspirational speech, FCT Director Mary Ann San Juan introduces the honorees, and FCT Director Tess Lumanalan emcees the proceedings.
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