Page 13 - LM Confidential Issue December 2014
P. 13
TELESERYE COURSE continued from page 9
sor and associate director of the journal Kritika Kultura Louie Jon Sanchez.
“The course is the study of the contemporary soap opera in the Philip- pines, which we call teleserye. We are using cultural studies and media studies frameworks. We explore the teleseryes historically. We explore the teleserye
as a genre. We try to explicate the de- velopment of genres practiced, defined, and redefined in the last 30 years. So basically the course has a historical coverage, beginning in the 1986 EDSA Revolution, which ushered in the return of democratized television, up to the present,” Louie explains.
Studying about pop culture is not new in the local academe. Ateneo has a long history of studying Philippine
mance novels and Pinoy komiks.
“My main argument is basically that the teleserye deserves to be read as lit-
erature. In our society you can still see the dichotomy between high literature and low literature. The school is the only place where there is no divide. Here, you can study teleserye with Shakespeare or Chaucer,” he says.
“Another thing why we decided to open this course is because of its popu- larity. I also started to see this course
as addressing that fundamental divide between high and low literature, high and low cultures. I think it’s pretty much reflective of previous discussions regarding popular cultural texts that are set in the local language and why we think so highly of English literature. We’re trying to start the discussion. We have to start talking about it in an artistic level,” he adds.
Honey Shot
Her name is derived from Greek and Hawaiian names meaning victory of the people and the heavens respectively. Nicole
is the precious daughter of Noli
and Nena and a wonderful ate to Nathaniel.
She speaks, writes and understands 3 languages fluently; English, Tagalog and French. Nicole studies Physiology and Human Biology: Health and Diseases at University of Toronto. She is the videographer and graphic designer of 4ensphotography. Happy birthday Nicole and enjoy your trip!
Nicole Nalani
popular cul- ture and one of The soap opera made its way to the
its pioneers is literature Philippines when Americans brought
s c h o l a r , professor, television and broadcasting into the
and essayist Soledad country. While Hollywood soap
Reyes, who is known
to have studied operas are major influences in lo-
F i l i p i n o
like ro-
Be Careful With My Heart
texts cal productions, Latin American telenovelas and even Asian se- ries are also major contributors
to what the teleserye is today.
“Admittedly, soap opera is a foreign form,” says Louie. “The very fact that we call it
‘teleserye,’ already signifies that we have Filipinized the soap opera. There were a lot
of foreign influences but I think it is very important to
TELESERYE COURSE continued on page 17
Camilineos Christmas Dinner - Dance
Camilineos held their Christmas dinner-dance last November 15. A great time was enjoyed by everyone. The dinner dance is held annually
to raise funds for project back in Camiling, Tarlac.
An update was given on the projects that were undertaken so far.
They rebuilt the Camilineos Catholic Church which burned down in 1977, re- stored the painting
of the Crusaders of
the Divine Church of Christ Bacabac chapel in Camiling. This year and beginning 2015, school supplies will be sent. The recipients live in
the barrio of Papaac in Camiling. These are the native aetas. They also thanked Atin ito Door to Foor for the discount for sending the supplies to children.
The projects were con- firmed by officers who went home to see that the projects were under- taken. May Camilineos Association continue to prosper. Their president is Harold Guarin of Roadsport Honda.
Singer Michael Magali performs.
The FCT dancers entertain the guests.
Roger Guarin poses with singer Mitch Fernandez.
Camilineos President Harold Guarin (RIGHT)poses with a guest.
L. M. Confidential 13

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