Page 9 - LM Confidential Issue September 2014
P. 9
Ontario Bikolanos Enjoy a Summer Kaogmahan Blast at the Park by Tony San Juan
TOP, BCCA members enjoy the picnic. LEFT, BCCA officers pose for a picture. RIGHT, Team Honda wins the volleyball tournament. PHOTOS BY ARIEL RAMOS
TORONTO - Welcoming the rites of summer, Ontario Bikolanos and Bikolanas from the 6 Bicol provinces of Albay, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Catanduanes, Masbate and Sorsogon celebrated collectively at an annual potluck picnic and games, dubbed as Bikol Kaogmahan, on August 2, 2014 ( Saturday) at Earl Bales Park, North York, Toronto.
With the enshrined image of the Vergen de Penafrancia at the park, more than 180 devotees and participants joined in the yearly event with lots of popular sili -laced, ginataan-based & diet-busting food salo-salo, line-bailehan and fun-filled fellowship . The day’s 12- hour
event, organized and hosted by Bicol Canada Community Association ( BCCA), was led by its long-serving & energetic el presidente, Rafael “ Paeng” Nebres.
Notable amongst the picnic revellers are former presidents Jess Cabrias and Bobby Achacon and current officers and directors of the well admired community- based organization such as : Noli Aquino, Larry Bercasio, Nestor Canton, Estrella Dilla Carpenter, Ronnie Dela Gana, Naty & Toti Gutierrez, Helen Lopez, Virgie Manaog, Arlene Martinez, Ely Olayon, Fely & Boy Ortega, Ching & Tony Ragos, Monsie Royong, Benhur Salcedo, Louie Calayca and Raul
Tarin and their respective families, friends and guests. Absent were directors Aida Lagarde and Gidget dela Torre.
Likewise, joining the celebration were Susan & Jess Llanera, Merle Canlas, Nely Lopriego, Ino Sanchez, Minda Mendoza-Sayoc, Diego Linan, Lourdes Balce & partner, and Tony & Joy San Juan of Camarines Norte Association Canada-Ontario (CNAC-O).
Sportingly competitive, the men’s and women’s volleyball teams from the 6 provinces vied for the championship trophies and prizes. BCCA veep Noli Aquino, for the past 7 years, has been solidly organizing and directing the park games. The Camarines Sur ( TEAM PINOY RADIO volleyballers won the men’s championship while the volleybelles from Albay (Team ACTION HONDA) garnered the women’s title for 2014.
In his welcome address, prexy Paeng Nebres expressed his message of “ tanganing kita gabos magkasararo “ ( so that we can be together as one ) and reiterated Bicol Canada Community Association’s hope and aspiration for a long-lasting and united Bikolanos purposefully working , serving and contributing together for the common cause of achieving the greater good of everyone. (TSJ Tony A.San Juan,OCT tnysanjuan@
7 reasons Benjamin Alves
is a good catch
Every girl has her ideal man.
Some are drawn to athletic hotties. Some just can’t get enough of edgy bad boys while some would still go for true gentlemen whom they can introduce to their parents.
What makes Benjamin Alves a step above the rest? Here are seven reasons.
1 .You can have your cake and eat it, too
Because this cutie is a certified foodie, you’ll definitely be able to share the best dishes and desserts together. How sweet is that?
2. That toned physique is to die for
He swims, he bikes, he runs. No wonder, he looks lean and fit all over. That only means that he is dedicated and disciplined when it comes to health and wellness. Way to go, Ben!
3. He’s God-fearing
There is nothing more attractive in a man than his faith in God. You have to admire someone who has good values and is a man for others.
4. He can make fun of himself in ways that are too adorable to ignore
When someone knows how to make fun of himself, it makes that person more exciting. You’ll surely be in good company when you’re with Ben because, hello, he can post a picture of himself with Maleficent horns on. Isn’t that cute?
5. Smart might be a bit of an understatement for Ben
He graduated with a degree in English Literature and was Summa Cum Laude. Whew. This smart stud can scribble away profound poetry and short stories for you. He is also extremely well-read, so basically, he is oozing with substance.
6. He is good with kids
You have got to have a soft spot for someone who gets along well with kids. It’s a bit of a rarity these days, especially for guys, so this gives even more pogi points for Ben.
7. Those killer looks (SEE ABOVE) Seriously, should there be an explanation?
Camarines Norte-Ontario Association to Hold 7th Anniversary Gala By Tony A. San Juan, OCT.
Autumn breeze and falling leaves are now almost upon us, after a brief 2014 bearable warm summer. Proudly and greatly encouraged, the Camarines Norte Association Ontario-Canada ( CNAC-O) is cel- ebrating its 7th Foundation Anniversary with a Gala Dinner on October 18, 2014( Saturday), 6:00 p.m.
at Rembrandt Banquet Halls, 930 Progress Avenue, Scarborough, Ontario.
CNAC-O, with its Masquerade-themed event, will hold also a formal induction of its new set of Execu- tive Officers and Directors for the 2014-2016 term. Led by president-elect Susan SJ. Llanera, among those to be sworn to office are officers : Merle Canlas, 1st vice- president, Pong Ostonal, 2nd vice-president, Nely Lopriego, treasurer, Jocelyn San Juan, audi-
tor, Carlito Cruz, public relations officer, Liwayway Nabus, business manager and directors : Lourdes Balce, Elizabeth Cruz, Sonia Dela Cruz, Diego Linan, Eva San Andres, Andrea A. San Juan, Marie A. San Juan, Virginia G. San Juan, Minda Sayoc-Mendoza, Rey Senes, Homer Senson, Faye Silvio and Rommel Yanto.
Invited as guest speaker and inducting officer is the Philippine Consul General - Toronto, Ms. Junever Mahilum-West. GTA FilCan leaders attending include PIDC’s Norma Carpio & her officers, FCT’s Rosalinda Javier & her directors , BicolCCA’s Rafael Nebres and other notable community personalities. To be hosted by Ramon Carretas and Karen Pascual-
Binaday, other local radio,stage and musical talents to be gracing the event are Martha Joy, Chyrell Samson, Scott Dion Brown and Nicole Samantha Huff.
The only Tagalog-Bikol speaking organization from Bicol Region, CNAC-O is composed of natives from the 12 towns of Camarines Norte, namely : Basud, Capalonga, Daet, Jose Panganiban, Labo, Mercedes, Paracale, San Lorenzo Ruiz, San Vicente, Sta. Elena, Talisay and Vinzons .The empanada- shaped province is widely noted for its sweet palm-sized pineapples, beach resorts and gold & iron mines.
Organized in April, 2007, it has developed initia- tives and delivered ongoing projects including 1) a scholarship program in Camarines Norte State Col- lege for 12 deserving freshmen students from each of the province’s 12 municipalities, 2) a calamity-relief assistance scheme, 3) outreach food- and -in kind donation to town parishes and needy beneficiaries, 4) books and learning materials donation to targeted schools and 4) continuing partnership and collabora- tion with FilCan community-based organizations in the GTA.
For dinner-dance tickets and / or souvenir programme ads placement, please contact immediately Susie Llanera at : or Lito Cruz at : T. San Juan).
Tony A.San Juan,OCT
L. M. Confidential