Page 26 - LM Confidential Issue November 2014
P. 26
Teens leaving
Facebook for
Mobile apps
What social media do teens use? Twitter, Vine, Instagram, YouTube,
the 13- to 16-year-olds answered. And Facebook, right?
No. Nope. Nuh-uh. Only one girl,
in a group
of six, had deigned to cre- ate an account.
“It’s like
the mom and
dad version
of Instagram
and Twitter,”
a younger girl informed me later.
Both research and anecdote suggest that the teen flight from Facebook also has something to do with the presence of adults on the site, as well as the typically high-school plagues of oversharing and in-fighting. The recent rise of anonymous social apps — things like Whisper and Yik Yak, which is dominated by college stu- dents — would also seem to suggest a youthful wish to escape the confines and responsibilities of a fixed online identity. (Facebook is working on an anonymous, stand-alone messaging app of its own.)
For most of its life, Facebook merely cloned the competition.
Yet starting with its acquisition of Instagram in 2012, Facebook has embarked on a unite-and-conquer strategy, seeking to expand its empire and hold on to our time by buying any service on which we social-
ize. Likewise, Twitter and Yahoo, with services like Vine and Tumblr, respectively, have tried to ensure that when teens ditch them, they’ll jump to one of their other offerings. It’s the fashion world’s model, adapted for tech: Social networks are seasonal, so you’d better have the next trendy offering ready to woo the especially- jumpy -- and especially-engaged -- teen audience.
Facebook needn’t panic, though. Even if its namesake platform is now totally passé, the kids still love Insta- gram which is owned by facebook.
Candid SPOOF (Pop-ups are not supposed to be taken seriously - EDITOR)
Fast-track weight
loss no less effec-
tive than slow
PARIS: Weight-loss guidelines have long counseled dieters that kilos shed too quickly are likelier to creep back than those lost at a slower pace. But an Australian study says this is wrong.
Over the long term, fast track and slow- track dieters are equally likely to regain most of the weight they lost.
“While weight loss is hard, weight loss maintenance is even harder,” said Nick Finer, an endocrinologist from University College London Hospitals.
Crossword Answers
Lintik na. Anlaki siguro ng kita ng mga tape manufacturers. Hindi mo na magamit kapag nawala ang dulo.
Pors Canlas struggles to open the tape roll again during the motorcade for candidate Manny Yanga.
Why They Are Good For You
Ellen Adarna is Ginebra 2015
Calendar Girl
Ellen Adarna is now Ginebra San Miguel’s 2015 Calendar Girl. There are three different sexy layouts that can be collected by those buying the said brand.
Ellen described how she prepared for the shoot: she had to go on a diet and avoid fatty food, as well as work- out in the gym almost every day.
She admitted feeling pressured
to replace Marian Rivera as Gine- bra’s calendar girl. She had nothing enhanced on her body, except for her breasts. She earlier admitted they were fake.
Ellen said she’s happy and over- whelmed to be chosen as the calen- dar girl next year. She’s flattered to be a part of Ginebra’s 180th year.
Asked about her talent fee, Ellen said she’s very happy with it as well.
After the calendar shoot, many projects are now being offered to her. She is not choosy with her roles or her characters. She might even do nude if the story calls for it.
She doesn’t see what’s wrong with going nude, especially if it’s part of her craft and it will make her a better ac- tor. She’s also very open to accepting contrabida roles.
Meanwhile, Ellen admitted she had an issue with her parents before when she decided to stay in Manila. But they have a better relationship now because they know she’s doing some- thing with her life.
They already accepted what she’s doing for a living because at least, she’s being productive and she’s earn- ing her keep. Ellen said her dad values one’s ability to earn for himself/herself.
Ellen also addressed those bashing her English. She explained that she has a thick Bisaya accent and Cebuanos are more comfortable to speak in English because their Tagalog accent is really bad.
She already explained this in an earlier interview, but she was drunk back then.
There is nothing special about hot showers. Before we get into the actual benefits of cold showers, let’s establish the simple fact that hot showers are a luxury and not a necessity. Throughout most of human history, people had to bathe in whatever water was available to them. If you’ve ever swum in a lake, you can probably remember that said water often happened to be cold. The Greeks invented heating systems for public baths in the 1st century BC, but interestingly enough, many Greeks chose to continue bathing in cold water due to the health benefits.
1. Cold showers burn fat
There are two kinds of fat in your body: white fat and brown fat. White fat is the bad guy (think the Joker) and brown fat is the good guy (think Batman). White fat is the body fat we all know and struggle to get rid of. When we consume more calories than our body needs to function and we don’t burn those calories for energy, they are stored as white fat, which tends to accumulate at your waist, lower back, neck, and thighs. Brown fat is the good guy you might have never even heard of, and its function is to generate heat to keep your body warm. Here’s the good news: when brown fat is activated due to extreme cold, it burns calories to keep you warm, which could provide a helpful assist in your weight loss plan. How much of an assist? Scandinavian researchers found that exposure to cold temperatures increased the metabolic rate of brown fat by fifteen fold, which could help a person drop nine pounds in a year if sustained.
2. Cold showers boost recovery after exercise Athletes often take ice baths after vigorous training do reduce soreness. But you can obtain a similar benefit with a quick cold shower after your training sessions.
3. Cold showers increase mood and alertness Who doesn’t feel a bit groggy when they take that first step out of bed? This is something everyone struggles with, but if you’d like to put some pep in your step first thing in the a.m., take a cold shower before you go to work. When cold water pours over your body, your breathing deepens in response to the shock of the cold (this is your body trying to keep you warm by increasing overall oxygen intake). Your heart rate will also increase, resulting in a rush of blood through your body that will help you get energized for the day. 4. Cold showers strengthen immunity and circulation
Remember how I mentioned that cold showers speed up your metabolic rate, which helps you
fat? The
of this activates your immune system,
which releases virus-fighting
white blood
cells that will
you get sick frequently. Cold showers also increase overall blood circulation, which can help you avoid hypertension and hardening of arteries.
5. Cold showers give
attractive hair and
If you’d like to reduce
appearance of acne,
showers could do
job. Hot water dries
your skin, while
water tightens your
and pores, preventing them
getting clogged. You can also use cold showers for shinier, more attractive hair that your partner can’t resist playing with. Cold water will close your cuticle, making it less likely dirt can accumulate in your scalp. For further reading that will help you improve your skin appearance, check out these four skin care hacks for people who think they’ve tried everything.
Put it in Practice
If you have read any of the James Bond books, you surely have noticed his unique take on showers. Bond, tough guy extraordinaire, started with hot water, but turned the temperature down to freezing cold for the very end of his bathing routine. This character quirk is theorized to be a nod to Bond’s Scottish ancestry, since a “hot-to- cold” shower is often referred to as a “Scottish Shower.”
If you’d like to take advantage of the surprising benefits of cold showers, I’d suggest starting off by emulating Bond’s bathing routine. You could also take an alternating shower by simply switching your water temperature from hot to cold every 10-20 seconds. When you’re feeling brave and have the mental toughness you need to survive the shivering, try a full blast cold shower on for size.
26 L. M. Confidential
help less
y o u r
y o u skin
t h e c o l d t h e o u t
cold cuticles f r o m

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